Are Goal-Setting Activities Counter Productive?
- Feb 17, 2016
- By Holger Jacobsson
In the recent blog-post 5 Easy Ways to Set Goals and Objectives that Will Help You Complete Projects, Pawel Grabowski concludes with a few sentences about the no goal approach to project management. His position is traditional.…
5 Easy Ways to Set Goals and Objectives that Will Help You Complete Projects
- Jan 20, 2016
- By Pawel Grabowski
Frustrating, isn’t it? You’ve poured all your energy into a project. Gathered the best people to help you make it happen. Worked tirelessly to motivate them to do their best. And spent countless hours supporting their…
Dreamler Release 1.7: The (Dark) Force Awakens!
- Dec 10, 2015
- By Thomas Wingate
Release 1.7 is live and with it comes a lot of new features like multi-select, copy & paste, Checkpoints and a new dark color-scheme + some fundamental development that opens doors for the future. You can…
Today our eminent Agile Project Manager Alexandra held an inspiring lecture about team communication for the Software Engeneering and Management Programme at Chalmers University of Technology: “I was not entirely sure how ‘Communication as a…
Virtual Collaboration Made Easy
- Nov 17, 2015
- By Olof Hägglund
[This interview, Virtual Collaboration Made Easy, featuring Dreamler Co-founder Thomas Wingate originally appeared on the Ekipa Blog November 17, 2015] Hey everyone, I am excited to have Thomas Wingate, the Co-founder of Dreamler, as Ekipa’s next interviewee. Thomas has a…
Introduce Your Team To Dreamler
- Nov 02, 2015
- By Olof Hägglund
Once you’ve mastered the basics of Dreamler, it might be time to introduce your team to Dreamler. Below is a 4-step-guide on how to do this in a way that we find efficient and smooth…
How Dreamler Can Facilitate Global Collaboration
- Oct 27, 2015
- By Thomas Wingate
[This blog post by our co-founder Thomas Wingate originally appeared on the Ekipa Blog Osctober 27, 2015] Dreamler — a collaborative real-time environment for visual planning and project management A Problem Worth Solving Realizing big ideas is really hard, I…
Designing Dreamler
- Oct 08, 2015
- By Jean Pichot
[This blog post by our UI Designer Jean Pichot originally appeared in the Visualoop blog on June 24, 2015] In the beginning of May we released a first public version of Dreamler, a collaboration tool that utilizes the…
Dreamler has entered a new phase. We have now opened the gates and made it possible for everyone to download and get started with Dreamler – and you know what? It’s free for 30 days! Hit the…
All companies want to become more efficient in operations and implementing strategic initiatives. And the research on the subject surely agrees; companies spend 40-75% of their time communicating around tasks, products, and concepts. At Dreamler…