Recalibrating reality: Navigating remote work

The new normal is here, and more and more people worldwide are working from home due to covid-19. As we’re coming up on the year mark of the non-office-time, we thought we’d share some things we’ve learned at Dreamler when it comes to helping teams come together remotely and produce great work.

Remote work is not new, but quite a few of us are trying it out in bulk for the first time. This change, not necessarily choosing to work remotely but rather not being allowed in the office, affects our whole work-life experience, and at Dreamler we love to explore ways to make the transition to remote work as smooth as possible. At its core, Dreamler is a tool to help cooperation work within the digital landscape. The general conclusion that we’ve made over the past 12 months can be summarized in the words of Mullenweg from Automattic (who is possibly the most experienced remote work person on the planet): “Tools are only as good as how you use them.”. We’ve seen how our clients ramp up their activity and create more detailed plans and task descriptions in order to keep everybody on the same page, evolving in their written communications as physical presence goes down.

A recent study has found that there is a discrepancy between employees and managers when it comes to their relationship with the physical workspace. When asked whether they would like to continue to work remotely in the future, 96% of employees said yes. On the contrary, 71% of employers said that they would not like employees to work from home in the future. This poses a slew of questions that organizations will have to address in order to be able to stay relevant for new talent. Remote work comes in many forms and requires other skills and frameworks in order to be both efficient and to support culture and innovation.

For Dreamler (as for everyone), the pandemic has been a challenge, but we have also become more convinced about how we can help businesses come together and stay together through the transition to remote work. It’s really all about transparency and communication, and we can’t wait to show you just how close you and your team can become with Dreamler.

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