Chosen for The Next Web Europe’s boost program
- Mar 25, 2015
- By Emil Hall
In January we got a call from a guy working for The Next Web (TNW) Europe who told us that Dreamler had been shortlisted for Boost, TNW’s startup growth program. So, we put together an application…
Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface (IMGUI): User Interfaces in a Real-Time Loop
- Mar 13, 2015
- By Johannes Norneby
Background Dreamler has always been intended to be a real-time native application, with 60 frames per second hardware accelerated graphics and real-time networking. It is technically very much the same as a typical modern PC-game. We…
The whack-a-mole Dreamler release!
- Mar 02, 2015
- By Thomas Wingate
The past few months have been a bit of a rollercoaster (as ever in startupland) and in the midst of that trying to develop software has been a bit like whack-a-mole game: Hit and miss bursts…
Become Dreamler’s New Sales Director
- Feb 26, 2015
- By Olof Hägglund
Dreamler is based on a belief on that we need re-think how we get things done. To realize big ideas we need to become much more efficient with resources and do things with a great and…
To-Do Lists Don’t Work
- Jan 28, 2015
- By Mathias Gullbrandson
I just stumbled upon a Harvard Business Review (HBR) article from 2012 called: To-Do Lists Don’t Work that I found quite interesting. As it can be understood from the headline, it argues that to-do lists…
Machine learning in Dreamler
- Jan 15, 2015
- By Karina Bunyik
I am Karina, a data engineer at Dreamler. I got my MSc degree in Computer Science and have 3 years of work experience in data analysis and programming. My work at Dreamler consists of designing machine…
Merry Christmas, Here’s a New Video
- Dec 22, 2014
- By Olof Hägglund
We’ve been exploring ways in which we can make filtering in Dreamler something useful and cool. The effects shown in the video look cool, but the question is whether it really is useful to blur the activities…
Experimenting with Dreamler’s visual richness
- Dec 12, 2014
- By Olof Hägglund
We have now come to a point where it makes sense to start experimenting with, and enhancing, Dreamler’s visual richness. Watch the video to get a clue about the possibilities of Dreamler in terms of visual…
Handle complexity through visual planning
- Dec 04, 2014
- By Mathias Gullbrandson
As a project manager, have you ever experienced problems with project plans made on gut feeling, without figuring out the best way of doing things, or how people and activities are dependent on each other? Most…
Visual Project Overview in Dreamler
- Nov 28, 2014
- By Olof Hägglund
In Dreamler you can go from a detailed view of one single activity to a full visual project overview, simply by zooming out. But how does one take a map of thousands of building blocks and make it into…