Letter from Academy of Lyon, France
- Mar 27, 2020
- By Mathias Gullbrandson
- In Collaboration Academy, User Case
I am currently a teacher in STI2D (Science and Technology of Industry and Sustainable Development) at the Academy of Lyon in France. For 10 years now, my pedagogy has essentially remained on the project approach. Students…
Academy of Lyon använder Dreamler för distansarbete
- Mar 26, 2020
- By Team Dreamler
- In Collaboration Academy, User Case
Coronakrisen har lamslagit hela världen. På ett ögonblick har vi ställt om till distansarbete. Många använder olika verktyg för videokonferenser, att dela dokument och försöker skapa en gemensam plan för att komma framåt. Vi på Dreamler…
Visual collaboration Seminar 14th of November
- Oct 31, 2017
- By Mathias Gullbrandson
- In User Case
A prerequisite for good collaboration and communication in organizations is that everyone shares the same image of goals and processes. How do you get there in practice? And why is visualizing so important to creating efficiency and engagement?…
Visual management is central for Icebug’s operations
- Jun 09, 2017
- By Mathias Gullbrandson
- In User Case
Icebug is a company that has gained a lot from visual management and the use of Dreamler to visualize the work the team together. Here they share their 2 years of experience and ways of working with…
Nyréns Architects: We wouldn’t be able to do this without Dreamler
- Aug 24, 2015
- By Olof Hägglund
- In User Case
Two weeks ago we published an article about the newest additions to our family: Nyréns Architects and Skolforum. Both companies want to use Dreamler to successfully implement a visual approach to running their businesses. They aim to…
Our family is growing: welcome Nyréns architects and Skolforum
- Aug 11, 2015
- By Olof Hägglund
- In User Case
We’re now back from a long deserved vacation. It’s been a really nice one, full of adventures overseas and beautiful weather, but I’m also happy to be back. And these are exciting times here at Dreamler. Two new…