Visually on the same page

Visual collaboration Seminar 14th of November

A prerequisite for good collaboration and communication in organizations is that everyone shares the same image of goals and processes. How do you get there in practice? And why is visualizing so important to creating efficiency and engagement? What is Visual Collaboration?

In this seminar, Sofia Berntsson of the Jubilee department, Gothenburg’s 400th Anniversary, will tell you about how they coordinate twenty development projects using the visual tool Dreamler.

Mathias Gullbrandson founder of Dreamler, will talk about how computer games inspired the vision for this tool.

Ludvig Lindlöf, Technology Doctor at the Department of Innovation and R&D Management, Chalmers University of Technology, will talk about his research in Visual Management and product development organizations.

This seminar will be held at Visual Arena, Lindholmen, Gothenburg. It starts at 7.30AM with breakfast and ends at 11.00AM. 

For Registration please follow this link

Agenda for the seminar

7.30 – Breakfast

8.00 Part 1 – Seminar

  • Introduction to Visual Collaboration and Visual management by Ludvig Lindlöf, CTH
  • From Theory to Developing a Tool by Mathias Gullbrandson and Magnus Envall, Dreamler
  • Gothenburg 2021: Challenges in bringing people of Gothenburg’s visions to life and using a visual way of working by Sofia Berntsson, Göteborg & Co

9.15 Part 2 – Workshop

Ludvig Lindlöf, CTH and Mathias Gullbrandson guide us through important things to consider for teams to get started in Visual Collaboration and Visual Management. Hands-on exercises using the Dreamler tool.

We encourage you to bring your own laptop with Dreamler installedGuests without computers will still be able to participate.

11.00AM End of the seminar

This is a pilot event where Visual Arena collaborates with a visualization actor to raise interest, disseminate knowledge, and deepen the experience of working with visualization tools. Our ambition is to create more special offers based on needs, if your business is interested in a similar cooperation, please contact Åsa Andblad, Visual Arena.

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