
Seminar: How do you create an organization with a digital logic?

Welcome to an exciting seminar where you will join Dreamler’s journey into a digital tool where you can easily structure your organization, goals and major processes —all in a gamified interface with the ability to view a visual map of all your goals, processes and or departments, down to a specific action or event and how the set goals are met.

At the seminar, you will meet all of us are engaged in Dreamler, as well as many of our owners and our Advisory Board. During a part of the seminar they will give their perspective on organization and leadership in the future we meet.

15.30–15.40 Welcome / Introduction. Erik Sundén, Mathias Gullbrandson

15.40–16.15 Presentation Dreamler’s journey, and a quick look at the interface. Mathias Gullbrandson, Co-Founder of Dreamler

16.30–17.00 Organization LAB. Magnus Envall

17.00–17.20 Trends in organization, future and why humanity works as it does? Presentation by Advisory Board

17.20–17.30 Roundup, questions and thoughts.

17.30–19.00 Mingle, food and beverages

Where & When?

Tuesday 18 December, Convendum, Kungsportsavenyen 21, Göteborg

Wednesday 19 December, Dreamler, Drottninggatan 112a, Stockholm

Please sign up by emailing Erik by 12 Dec:

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