
Let’s test Dreamler


We’ve been tested: tough, upfront and without mercy.

During the renowned Let’s Test Conference just outside Stockholm, Dreamler was one of the selected applications along with Slack to go through some intense testing by some of the best in business context-driven testers. For almost 8 hours in the Let’s Test Lab we kept seeing both known and unknown issues coming in. Some things we definitely need to address in the near future, while other things are real corner cases that we’re very impressed the testers even succeeded in finding.

One lesson learned here is that you can’t do enough bug testing. We should spend even more time preparing and executing bug testing; perhaps dedicate entire sprints to fixing the more critical or annoying things.

I’d like to sum up with this advice: No matter what, you will end up with bugs; don’t be afraid of them, don’t try to sweep the bugs under the rug (pun intended). Find them, rate them by level of importance and handle them in a timely fashion.

We would like to thank the Let’s Test organizers and participants for having us, it was immensely valuable and interesting, and also scary!


What is Let’s Test?

Let’s Test is a context-driven conference “for testers, by testers” organized yearly to confer on the topic of testing. 2015 years conference was held at Runö, Åkersberga outside Stockholm with keynotes held by Antti Karjalainen @MediaTek (“Detecting the Heartbleed vulnerability” on the OpenSSL vulnerability found 2014) and Ben Simo @QualityFrog (“There Was Not a Breach; There Was a Blog” on the US security issues) along workshops and lectures by many other distinguished software testers.

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